Sunday, July 20, 2008

So Awkward!

I ran across a Facebook group called "I'm So AWKWARD!" today, which I thought was pretty funny because it had a list of "Have you ever..." questions related to the topic of awkwardness and social clumsiness. I'm no Larry David (see an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm if you don't know what I'm talking about), but I'm not immune to these unfortunate occurrences. Granted, they never result in situations as painful as the following Sonic commercial:

Anyway, here's an excerpt of that list. You know you're awkward if...

1. you have stubbed your toe twice in one day.
2. you have had a conversation that has gone like this:
You: 'Hey, how are you?'
Other person: 'Good, how are you?'
You: 'Good, how are you?'
3. you have fallen/tripped in public, simultaneously making a weird noise, and then looked around to see if anyone saw you.
4. said goodbye to your friend you were walking with and thought that you were going to part ways, but realized that you were both really headed in the same direction, so you either laughed uncomfortably and walked in silence or pretended that you actually had to go in a different direction and then took a longer route to your destination.
5. told someone you had to leave a party, but didn't for a long time, and then saw the same person looking at you some time later with a slightly bewildered gaze.

As a result of this last weekend, I have two more items to add:

1. Made a phone call, recipient answers, "Hey Josh", to which I ingeniously reply, "Hey Josh.....uh, I mean...".
2. Wanted to make a pop culture reference to, for example, a movie, and so asked "Hey, have you ever seen (insert movie here)?", only to get the response "No", followed by you replying "Oh" and a short period of silence, because the story you were about to tell would've only made any semblance of sense with a response of "Yes".

And I'm telling you, I do that #2 a lot. (Urgent clarification: That would be the item #2 in the preceding list. I swear that was by accident. Clearly, such a sophisticated blog wouldn't trifle with such low-brow humor. Looks like I have a new one to add to the list.) Sure wish life came with a rewind button sometimes. Or at least pause.