Saturday, June 6, 2009

Scenes from Big Whiskey

The jury is still out on my interpretation of Dave Matthews Band's new album, Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King, and how it stacks up against his body of work. One thing's for sure, any material written by this group of musicians is certainly in a class of its own, and the stories behind the album are worth telling.

Lucky for us, these stories were captured in the following documentary, "Scenes from Big Whiskey". You hear about the development of the album's hooks and harmonies, the origin of the elaborate album art, and the perseverance of the band as it lost its heart and soul last summer. GrooGrux is speculated to be a sort of renaissance from DMB's days past, which many deem the band's masterwork. Even Dave Matthews himself said of the album, "If this is my last album that I ever make, it's the only album that I hope people listen to."

Or, see it at Hulu.

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