Thursday, January 15, 2009

Reason #284 I'm Glad I Don't Live In North Dakota

Right after reason #283, "North Dakota is boring", and reason #282, "North Dakota's official state beverage is milk." Really.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

And in case you're curious like I was and want to know what exactly wind chill factor means scientifically:


John said...

Doing further research on state beverages, I discovored that milk is also the state beverage of Arkansas, Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, annd Wisconson.
I guess Rhode Island can get in the club on a technicality with coffee milk being their state beverage. Nebraska saves a little face by having Kool-Aid share the title with milk.
By having tomato juice as thier official state beverage, Ohio claims the worst state in the Union award. Award for best state drink goes to either Alabama with Conecuh Ridge Whiskey or Maine with Moxie.
Apparently Texas is too badass to fool with such insignificant things such as choosing a state beverage (we're too busy fighting off Santa Ana and being better than everyone). Though if we did get bored enough to choose a state beverage, I would hope it would be beer (Lone Star Beer to be specific).

Man, state beverages gets me fired up like nothing else!


Josh said...

Brilliant research, Mr. Collins. Your dedication to beverage research is unmatched.

I submit for your approval Shiner Bock as a co-state beverage, sharing the privilege with Lone Star Beer, the margarita, or possibly Dr. Pepper.