Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lighting It Up

As you might've surmised from my lack of posts after my cliffhanger that concluded my last storm chasing series......nothing really happened. Figured I'd save you the anticlimax. Probably the most interesting thing that happened was a late-night stop at an Applebee's (of course) in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Luckily, we had some profoundly hilarious karaoke to accompany us as we scarfed down our Fiesta Lime Chicken for the third time in a week.

But before I bring this year's storm chasing saga to an end, here's a little plug for our team, (We figured as long we threw the word "Extreme" in there, we'd be all set.) As a squall line moved through the DFW area this past Monday night, the fellas got some unreal lightning photos. First, courtesy of Russ Contreras:

And second, from our frontman Scott MacArthur:

Cheers, guys! I'd say y'all have cruised right on past me as far as photographic talent goes.

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