Tuesday, January 12, 2010

JoshCast #18 - Everyday

A recent advertising campaign used to give me chills, and still does when I run across them on YouTube:

The NBA struck gold when they decided to advertise the NBA playoffs by capturing some of the more eye-popping plays in prior years, applying slow-motion and a black-and-white filter, and placing a haunting solo piano on the audio track with a melody that just screams, "This is the stuff of legend." (See previous post: Where Amazing Commericials Happen)

Commercials only last so long, though, and I always wanted to catch more than the first 30 or 45 seconds of that song. On a whim during a self-declared lull at work today, I hunted for the track and found its original recording: "Everyday", by Carly Comando... (I know. "Comando". Really?)

And then this dude learned how to play it on guitar. Duplicating this feat is now officially on my bucket list.

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