Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Om Nom Nom Nom

It's kinda funny what random things make you realize that the times, they are a-changin'.

Today's the 40th anniversary of "Sesame Street", and this CNN article can't help but notice how the show and its characters have evolved:

"Cookie Monster used to become so overwhelmed by his desire for cookies that he'd start seeing cookies that weren't actually there. ... Today, Cookie Monster's diet is much more balanced, as he has adopted the philosophy that cookies are a 'sometimes food'. Cookie coincidentally changed his tune in 2006 amidst reports that childhood obesity had reached epidemic proportions."

I suppose it's all well and good that Cookie Monster and Co. try to set good examples, but the cynic in me can't help but wonder why it takes TV characters to instill "good habits" into that all-too-impressionable under-age-5 demographic. Is it worth sacrificing the essence of the character? He's the COOKIE MONSTER!

Post-rant fact: Did you know that the Cookie Monster made his debut in 1967 -- pre-Sesame Street -- on an IBM training video titled Cookie Monster vs. Coffee Break Machine?

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