Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The End of Snowzilla

Seven front-yards' worth of snow, beer bottles for eyes, and arms that were attached with a power drill. (Insert Tim Allen-style man-grunt here.) That's the only way to build a snowman.

Yes, the bizarre storylines keep spilling from our 49th and largest state. (Including, among others, Sarah Palin's turkey pardon fiasco.) Apparently, this 16-foot snowmonster, dubbed "Snowzilla", has been among the top tourist attractions in Anchorage, Alaska, rivaling the Fraternal Order of Alaska State Troopers Museum (really).

But no more, according to this AP article: "Municipal officials in Anchorage have given a cease-and-desist order to builders of the giant snowman that made appearances the last three years in an east Anchorage neighborhood... City officials deemed Snowzilla a public nuisance and safety hazard. A few weeks ago, code enforcers left red signs at Snowzilla's bottom body ball telling its builders to cease and desist."

So, I formally announce the beginning of the "Save Snowzilla" foundation. Send donations to me; I'll make sure they get to the right place...

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