Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick Question

So Barack Obama has your vote, huh? Great. Now what do you admire about John McCain?

And you, Bill the [insert occupation here], you're a John McCain supporter? What's a positive move Barack Obama would make if he's elected president next Tuesday?

I found a blog today on CNN, If you can’t (or can) say anything nice..., that explores the effects of not immediately tearing down, insulting, or calling opposing candidates "way too old" or "palling with terrorists". I've seen way too many chain e-mails and Facebook statuses that demolish opposing candidates with words, further dividing us as Americans. For a change, point something out that you actually can stand about the other candidate. Sure can't hurt.

By all means, point out all the (reasonable) potential flaws you want in the candidate who challenges your own opinions. Just acknowledge that the candidate is worthy of respect, first.

And, please, let next Tuesday get here so I can move on to other topics! Mr. Wyatt Cenac from The Daily Show agrees:

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