Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TVN Footage of the May 10 Storm provided the following footage from the same storm that almost caught us on May 10:

I think at the 1:22 count, you see the end of the two twisters that were following us on Highway 11. Then at 2:22, they get a great shot of the same wedge that we captured from a little farther to the east. The footage beginning at 3:20 is particularly ominous...I guess we weren't able to spot that one from our vantage point.

I'm still amazed looking at the beginning of this footage, knowing we were looking at the first tornado from almost exactly the same vantage points. It is clearly very recognizable, and I'll probably still be able to identify it when I'm old and gray.

I was floored when some of these meteorologists looked at a single snapshot of a storm and immediately gave its date and location. However, after my experience, I can begin to see why they're able to do this.

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